Instead of the planned monolithic reinforced concrete walls confining the superstructure, the engineers of Grabarics Kft. have envisaged so called crust (pakett) walls with the approval of the static designer in charge. Thank to this technology using structures made in our own prefab plant at Heves, the construction has been accelerated while the stability of the brick firewalls of unknown mechanical properties confining the construction site from three sides has not been endangered during construction.
In order to avoid any potential impacts caused by the construction and/or by continuous dewatering, the façade under monument protection had been stabilized by a four-storey high steel structure erected on the street front.
The daily contact with the project management and agreement with the two neighboring embassies on the occupation of the street section have made it possible that – in spite of construction on a vacant lot where only the street can be used for receiving construction materials – the construction can be implemented without disturbing the street traffic or the use of the adjacent buildings.