2016. 10. 24
The construction of the factory of the German ThyssenKrupp group in Jászfényszaru arrived at half time
The construction of the factory of the German ThyssenKrupp Group in Jászfényszaru arrived at half time.
The construction of the factory of the German ThyssenKrupp group in Jászfényszaru arrived at half time

The construction of the factory of the German ThyssenKrupp Group in Jászfényszaru arrived at half time. From next year on, the Group is going to manufacture in Jászfényszaru, Hungary, electromechanical steering systems designed by Hungarian engineers (C-EPS) and camshafts integrated into cylinder head. The construction of the factory implemented by means of an over 30 billion HUF investment as a greenfield project is approaching its completion. At the topping-out ceremony on 11.11.2016 Marc de Bastos Eckstein, managing director of ThyssenKrupp Presta Hungary, expressed thanks to all those who have contributed to the timely completion of the factory and for bringing this project to Hungary.