2021. 07. 15
The construction of Europe's largest intermodal terminal started in Fényeslitke
The construction of the East-West Gate (EWG) intermodal combined terminal started in Fényeslitke (Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County) occupying an approx. 125 hectare area.
The construction of Europe's largest intermodal terminal started in Fényeslitke


Grabarics Reinforced Concrete Ltd. accomplishes the designing, manufacturing, transport and on-site installation of the multifunctional building, the warehouse complex, vehicle garage and container store following the completion of the site development works, incl. excavation of work pits, placement of blinding concrete layer, reinforced concrete footing. EWG will be the first intermodal combined terminal in Europe, based on the harnessing its own 5G network, green technologies and variable gauge tracks. Once inaugurated, EWG will be the largest facility of its kind on the continent, in terms of both its area and its theoretical capacity. The terminal will be able to handle 1 million 20-feet (TEU) containers and will offer 15,000 sq.m. warehouse space to the clients. At present, the construction of the substructures and installation of the normal track gauge connection is in the process in the industrial park. Trial operation is expected in January 2022 while the final handover is scheduled to Qtr.1 of 2022.

The construction of Europe's largest intermodal terminal started in Fényeslitke
The construction of Europe's largest intermodal terminal started in Fényeslitke