2016. 11. 14
Phase 2 of the Szekszárd Shopping Park has started
In the Family Center under construction as phase 2 in Tartsay Vilmos street 4 tenements will be developed.
Phase 2 of the Szekszárd Shopping Park has started

In the Family Center under construction as phase 2 in Tartsay Vilmos street 4 tenements will be developed.

On the 8th of November, 2016, we deployed on the construction site of the second phase of Szekszárd Shopping Park. The project obtained building permit in 2011. The construction of the first phase (Interspar supermarket) was launched in September 2013 and lasted for one year. The operation of the supermarket has been uninterrupted since then. In the Family Center under construction as phase 2 in Tartsay Vilmos street, 4 tenements will be developed. In the parking lot in front of the building and in that of the service area 268 passenger cars will have place to park. The specialized department store to be built in phase 2 can be divided into two parts: the service premises (electric control, boiler house, waste store, building maintenance) on the south side of the building, and 4 business premises. The general designer of the project is INVEX Tervező, Beruházó és Ingatlanforgalmi Kft.