2021. 12. 20
Day of Grabarics Subcontractors
For a long time past, Grabarics Constuction Ltd. has been committed for contributing to the development of the Hungarian market of construction and the safe implementation of build-ings. We attach importance to co-operating with partners that adhere to concepts of quality and reliability, like we do.
Day of Grabarics Subcontractors


This is the reason why we had launched, four years ago, our program of granting the 'Distinguished Project Subcontractors Award' to our subcontractors that achieved outstanding levels of performance. In every year, we hand the Award to subcontractors who have performed continuously according to the highest standards and in strict adherence with the contractual terms and have made, if prevailing conditions so required, special efforts in order to ensure efficient co-operation and successful completion of the projects. When we established the 'Distinguished Project Subcontractors' Award, we intended to reinforce powerful links in professional co-operations and partnership. In this year, we arranged the Day of Distinguished Project Subcontractors on November 5 and invited 12 of our best performing subcontracting partners following the completion of the respective projects. We organized a prize awarding celebration combined with a buffet reception to thank the representatives of the invited companies for their exquisite services and for having substantially contributed to the successful implementation of the facilities we had accomplished.