The governmental PM of the Gödöllő constituency, László Vécsey received media representatives on a press conference on 27 June. The politician announced the event on the occasion of signing the contract for the construction of the Gödöllő swimming pool, where the investor, the contractor and the designer of the project were present.
In the implementation process of the development project announced in March 2014, the publication of the government resolution two weeks ago in the Hungrian Gazette was an important momentum since with that it became unambiguous that the financial funds for the first phase of the project are available. It became also clear in the meantime that the first phase of the Gödöllő swimming pool (tribune for 600 visitors, 50 m competition pool, 6x10 m training pool, dressing rooms, wellness and service units) can be implemented by Grabarics Építőipari Kft. with its headquarters in Budapest as winner – from four received bids – of the public procurement tender announced in December 2016. The related contract has been signed by László Karacs managing director (left) on behalf of the firm and Norbert Kovács director general (right) on behalf of the National Sports Centers in the presence of László Vécsey PM as well as János Jánosi architect of Szada as designer in the Rézgombos Incubator Haus Gödöllő.