  • 2020. 05. 29
    Gödöllő competition pool growing out of the ground day by day
    A long-term desire and need of Gödöllő’s more than 30,000 inhabitants is a modern swimming pool with appropriate capacity.This was already raised around 2012, but for the recent years the social demand has been strengthened both by the expansion of Szent István University and the introduction of compulsory swimming lessons at school.
  • 2020. 05. 15
    Construction of a multifunctional engineering complex commences in Visegrádi Street
    The right of execution of a project titled "Implementation of an EMC Measuring Laboratory and Server Cen-ter" proclaimed by the National Media and Infocommunication Authority (NMIA) has recently been awarded to Grabarics Constructions Ltd. in the frame of an open public procurement procedure.
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